New Year, New Blog, New Everything

January 18, 2016


I just wanted to let everyone know I have started a new blog, Louise at Home and I would love for you to follow along with me on this new adventure! I also posted a little something as to why I've been absent for so long in case any of you were wondering!

Anyways, here's the new blog link:

From there I have everything you need to start following the new blog on Bloglovin, Pinterest and Instagram! Hope to see you there!

Happy Fall Y'all | Free Printable

August 6, 2015

Hello Hello!

Can y'all believe it's already August?! I'm like, where'd July go?

But, I'm not complaining because that just means we're getting closer and closer to Fall.

AKA: the best time of the year


Even though we're still having 90 degree days here in VA I feel like when the stores start selling pumpkins, it's OK for me to start bringing it out.

I've been loving stripes lately so that's what inspired my new Happy Fall Y'all printable for this year.

All you gotta do is click on the 8x10 printable of your choice, hit save and print!

Am I the only crazy person out there already decorating for Fall? 

Click here to see where I party each week!

Five on Friday, Oh Hey Friday + Friday Favorites

July 3, 2015

Hey y'all and happy Friday!

Corey and I are waking up at VA Beach today along with his younger brother and sister and his brother's girlfriend and one of my bestest frands, Angie.

Before we're off to have fun and hopefully get some seafood I'm linking up with these lovely ladies:

April for Five on Friday, Karli for Oh Hey Friday, Amanda for Friday Favorites, and Erika for Friday Favorites.

Let's get started!


In case y'all missed my post from Monday I explained my absence lately. Basically I forgot to renew my web hosting for, it expired so then not only did I have to pay over $100 to get it out of being somewhere lost in space but I still had to pay for the renewal. I'm a baller on a budget and I'd rather buy a cute American flag bag than pay for that. Especially since I haven't made that much money on this blog. I'm back on blogger because it works for what I need and it's free.

I also talked about the painting I've been up to lately, I am loving my new front door!

If y'all followed I would love if you hopped on bloglovin and followed Please and thank you!!


And speaking of American flag bags, check out this bad boy!

I'm in love and it'll be perfect for this weekend.

(P.S. Remember how I told y'all I got a new job a couple months ago for an awesome company... hint hint...)


I'm pretty sure I could eat this stuff everyday. This buffalo chicken bread of How Sweet It Is is amaze balls.

It pairs nicely with a big dollop of ranch dressing. Fat- free of course.


I have been using a cheapie foundation for a month or so now since running out of my Bare Minerals. I like Bare Minerals a lot but since my skin is on the oiler side I didn't feel like it helped prevent my skin from getting oily throughout the day. I'm always on the lookout for a better product so I was over at my friend Michelle's house getting my hair did she said she uses Tarte's Amazonian Clay foundation. After using Bare Minerals I feel like putting a liquid foundation on my face is gross but she said it keeps oil at bay and it stays fresh all day long. So, I went onto Ulta's website to take a look at the reviews and saw they have a powder version! The reviews on both are great but since I like powder over liquid I went by Ulta on Wednesday and bought the foundation and the airbrush to go with it. I'll keep y'all posted on how if it stands up to the hype!


And last but certainly not least...

Happy 4th of July everybody!

Y'all be safe and enjoy the long weekend!

It's Been a While!

June 29, 2015

Hey y'all!

So, I'm not dead, I just made an epic blogger fail in ignoring  forgetting to renew my hosting for Then, when I got another email reminding me to renew, I was too late and it had been cancelled which meant I had to spend more money to get it back up and then more money to renew the hosting. It was about to be something close to $200 and since I haven't made anything close to that on this hear blog, I decided to not renew my hosting.

So, here I am, back on blogger, because it's free. I still have another year to stop being cheap and pay for the renewal and all that but for right now, I just can't see spending that much money.

Hopefully y'all understand my predicament.

So, if you follow on bloglovin I would really really really appreciate it if you followed since this is my new home.

And, thank God for Hometalk. You may not be able to access my old projects via my blog, but since I share each one on Hometalk you can see them there! And of course, you can always see what I'm up to on Instagram!

I'm actually kind of excited for this "fresh" start. It's kinda like a new school year or something.

Anywho, on to what I've been up to lately...

I have been a painting, hole patching fool lately and quite frankly I can not wait to be done.

The previous owner painted every single ceiling a light blue color so I've gone back in and painted the ceilings white in the entry, hallway, living and dining room and kitchen. I still gotta get to the el baños and bedrooms but at least the main areas are done.

Next, I finished the beadboard in the entry. I first painted it white last year but I didn't think about matching the beadboard color with the trim so I went back in with an ultra white trim paint and repainted the trim and beadboard.

Eventually I would like to remove the beadboard and replace it with board and batten, but for now this looks a lot better than what it did when we moved in.

I finally convinced Corey to let me re-paint our front door to Sherwin Williams Waterscape. I love how welcoming and happy it makes the front door look. I'll be sharing the tutorial on how I painted the door soon!

Next up on my painting list I needed to re-do the kitchen and dining room. When we first moved in the kitchen and dining room were some ugly blue color, we painted over it with Sherwin Williams cambelback. I liked it at the time but then wanted something cooler and lighter. I went with Sherwin Williams agreeable gray. Sometimes the color looked like a greige which is what I was going for, other times it looked mauve. And I do not want mauve walls. So, I pondered over painting the space again and finally decided I would because I just wasn't happy with it. Since I love the Accessible Beige (looks like a light greige) I used in the hallway and living room I decided to do the kitchen and dining room the same color.

This little corner at the end of our kitchen houses the door access to to the back deck. Since guests sometimes come in through this door I'm planning on doing board and batten with hooks in this corner and maybe some mail bins or something. I started trimming the corners and ceiling with the accessible beige in this picture but I took this to show you how mauve-y the previous color looked.

Lastly, Corey and I finally got around to landscaping around these parts. No mo mud and weeds!

Now, this may not look like much to you but after two years of living with a weed infested flower bed, this thing looks like one of the afters on Yard Crashers or something. We're planning on doing stone to cover the concrete on the house and we'll be re-doing the front porch but at least everything looks a lot tidier. I love hydrangeas so I'm thinking I'll add some of those in with some boxwoods or something? I don't do bugs and I am not a big fan of gardening so whatever is low maintenance, I'm on board. 

So now that I've caught y'all up on a little bit of what's been going on here I'm looking forward to catching up on my bloglovin feed!

P. S. If you would like to come over and help me finish painting I will provide the pizza and beer/wine. Whatever blows your skirt up.

Click here to see where I party each week!

10 DIY Charging Stations with Hometalk

June 28, 2015

Hey y'all!

Hometalk was kind enough to feature my DIY Charging Station several weeks ago and reached out to me to coordinate a board featuring my charging station along with nine other great charging station ideas.

I love each and every one of these creative charging stations, so get your scrolling fingers ready!






To see all the charging station options be sure to visit my charging station board, here!

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